
DONATA HOUSE | Interior design


It sometimes happens, in the life of a designer, to have the good fortune of being able to challenge themselves with a project in which creativity is fueled by the confidence of a client who feels he has chosen a person who is able to understand and interpret his tastes and his needs.

Because it’s not said that a person knows exactly what he like, far from it. And we as designers cannot expect this to be the case. Often those who turn to an architect, especially an interior architect, do so because they understand the potential of an environment but know that only with the help of those who can look at those spaces with creative detachment, will then be able to transform their dream into reality: living in an environment that resembles him, that welcomes him, that talks about him but at the same time amazes and fascinates him. As only the unknown can do.

When Donata contacted us, we got to know that she had been following us on social networks for some time and that she had been able to appreciate our always colorful, different projects.
Donata was fascinated by an atmosphere and her desire was to experience that atmosphere inside the house she had recently purchased.

We won’t say no more, let the words to the images.


Logo Vanda Designers

Place: Piacenza, Italia

Designer: Valentina Elmiger

Client: Private

Shooting Stylist: Vendela Wikberg & Treehouse Flower box

Photography: Nikka Dimroci, Valentina Elmiger

Release Date: January 3, 2021


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